AI-based Repricing on Amazon, eBay & Kaufland with metaprice - Get the BuyBox today

More sales, more margins & first-class support.

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Resellers & brands have trusted us for many years

Your leading repricer for Amazon, eBay & Kaufland — with millions of optimized prices on all marketplaces every day and over 800 satisfied customers worldwide.

Why metaprice Repricing?

Amazon Repricer

eBay Repricer

Kaufland Repricer

AI-BuyBox Repricing in real-time
Repricing based on EAN/titles & keywords
Competitor repricing in real time
Available for all countries
Available for all countries
Available for all countries
View the top 20 competitors
View the top 50 competitors
View the top 10 competitors
Private label Repricing
Private label Repricing
Private brands (white label) & sales-based repricing
Repricing based on sales figures
Repricing based on sales figures
Automated data imports & exports via FTP & link
Repricing for new and used goods
Repricing for new and used goods
Repricing for new and used goods
Automated margin calculator
Perfect evaluation options
Integrated margin calculator
Free FBA cashback tool
Top & Flop sales overview
Competitor inclusion and exclusion lists
Personal account manager
Personal account manager
Personal account manager
Daily data backup
Daily data backup
Daily data backup
Connection to your inventory management
Connection to your inventory management
Connection to your inventory management
Insured with Allianz
Insured with Allianz
Insured with Allianz
Amazon Repricing from 27.50€ per month
eBay Repricing from 39€ per month
Kaufland Repricing from 29€ per month
Flexible terms of 1-24 months
Flexible terms of 1-24 months
Flexible terms of 1-24 months

Your benefits with our repricing & consulting solutions

Regardless of whether you use our repricing solutions or our consulting services, the benefits for you and your e-commerce business are obvious.
~570€ less labor costs/ month
as well as ~30 hours of time savings based on 1 hour manual price adjustment/day and 19€ hourly wage.
Sustainably Ø 43% more BuyBox profits
As a result, your sales figures will increase by Ø 15% within just the 10-day free trial period.
Permanently Ø 20% more turnover
By using our repricer, we manage to increase your turnover by Ø 20% in one year.
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Intelligent repricing

Become the most effective seller on Amazon, eBay & Kaufland!

With the help of our intelligent repricing functions, you save an enormous amount of time and resources. We are happy to help you identify and exploit the full price potential of your products.
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Identify potentials:We analyze your current BuyBox odds and prices to discover hidden potential and bring specific products forward, for example by using our AI BuyBox checkers.
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Maximize margin:With the help of our integrated margin calculator, you have your margins under control fully automatically and can have your price ranges calculated in a very relaxed way based on your desired margins.
Try it now for free
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In close cooperation with our customers, we are constantly developing tailor-made products & services.

All services
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Effective marketing for every product.

To always sell your products on Amazon & eBay at the highest possible price, intelligent repricing is sometimes no longer enough.
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PPC campaigns: With our PPC strategies developed specifically for Amazon & eBay, we optimally place your products on the search results pages based on the right keywords and thus increase the visibility of your products for potential buyers.
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Amazon DSP: With the demand-side platform (DSP), you can also promote your products outside of Amazon to reach new and existing target groups for your Amazon shop.
More about this
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We are the only full service repricing provider.

From advertising campaigns to automatic price adjustments, we take care of your products, revenue and margin 7 days a week.
Test it free
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Our team consists of 100% experienced e-commerce employees who have all worked in this area for at least five years.
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After signing up for our free test account, we will provide you with comprehensive advice. The first results are quickly visible!
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We are constantly developing ourselves and our systems in order to offer you the best possible and up-to-date service at all times.
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We're fast! Thanks to sophisticated algorithms, we send your prices to Amazon & eBay every minute.
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As a metaprice customer, we are available 7 days a week via email and telephone. Contact requests are usually answered by us within a few minutes.
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With the help of cutting-edge database technologies, our systems are constantly learning new strategies to increase your margins & sales figures.

Try our repricing software today!

Even more sales today thanks to Metaprice.
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