Managing and adjusting your Amazon account settings is important to ensure that your account is working properly at all times and that your preferences are taken into account. Here we explain how to change your Amazon account settings step by step.
1. Sign in to your Amazon account
First, you'll need to log into your Amazon account. To do this, visit the Amazon homepage and click “Hello, Sign In.” Then enter your email and password to get access to your account.
2. Access to account settings
Once you're logged into your account, click “Accounts and Lists” in the top right corner. A drop-down menu appears from which you can select “My Account Settings.” Alternatively, you can go directly to the “My Amazon Account” page.
3. Changes to personal data
Under account settings, you have the option to adjust various areas:
4. Communications notifications and settings
To change communication settings, go to Notifications and adjust how and when you want to be notified by Amazon (e.g. order confirmations, deliveries, offers).
5. Language and region
Under “Language and Region,” you can change the language of your Amazon page and set the preferred region for deliveries and prices.
6. Amazon Marketplace account settings
For sellers, Amazon also offers a variety of options for customizing the seller account. If you're an Amazon seller, go to Manage Seller Account to change your seller profiles, payment details, and shipping options.
7. Manage Amazon services and subscriptions
For services such as Amazon Prime, Amazon Music or Amazon Web Services (AWS) You can manage your subscriptions and memberships To do so, go to the appropriate areas to start or cancel subscriptions.
8. Adjust privacy settings
Amazon also offers extensive privacy options. Under “Data & Privacy”, you can view and manage your personal data and change the appropriate privacy settings.
Tip for Amazon sellers: Use
It is important for sellers not only to regularly check account settings, but also to keep an eye on market prices in order to remain competitive. provides an effective solution for price monitoring and optimization on Amazon. With the analysis tools from You can adjust your pricing and refine your sales strategy based on market trends. Visit for more information and start optimizing your pricing strategy today.
Changing your Amazon account settings is an important step to optimize your shopping experience or sales on Amazon. Review and update your personal information, payment methods, and notification settings regularly to get the most out of your Amazon account. As a seller, you should also use tools such as use to keep track of your market developments and prices.