No Repricing Is not exclusively relevant for online retailers. It is true that dynamic pricing takes place primarily in eCommerce Application, as there is intense competition on platforms such as Amazon, eBay or Shopify, but stationary retailers can also benefit from strategic price optimization.
Repricing refers to Automatic adjustment of prices in market conditions, competitors, or demand. This method can also be used in the traditional retail sector to effectively take into account seasonal fluctuations, regional peculiarities or changes in buyer behavior, for example.
For example, retailers that operate both offline and online can Repricing tools Use them to harmonize their prices across channels and remain competitive.
Repricing is particularly effective when implemented with the right technology. On the platform Retailers find powerful solutions to manage their prices efficiently and in line with the market — regardless of whether they operate online or offline.
Benefits of repricing for stationary retailers:
Repricing is a universal tool that goes far beyond online retail